MWTH Project (Medusa With The Head)
The Intersection of Classical Imaginaries and Contemporary Art

Welcome to the official website of the MWTH Project (@mwthproject),
an innovative and artist-led initiative that breathes new life into classical narratives, shaping their significance in modern culture and future visions.

Originating as an exhibition in 2018 by artist Bek Andersen, MWTH, pronounced “myth”, represents a unique fusion of art, history, and cultural commentary.

Supporting Causes Through Art
At MWTH, we not only celebrate the richness of historical narratives through our art but also contribute positively to societal causes. A significant portion of our proceeds, 10%, is dedicated to supporting the National Women’s Law Center, emphasizing our commitment to social responsibility through our reproductions, editions, and other iconographic representations.

Exploring Medusa's Story
Our project delves deep into the tragic and powerful story of Medusa as depicted in Ovid’s Metamorphosis. Medusa, once a maiden in Athena's temple and a victim of Poseidon's transgressions, transforms into a symbol of both monstrosity and victimhood. This complex narrative, where Medusa is unjustly punished and later slain by Perseus, resonates with our project's ethos. We draw inspiration from historical masterpieces like Benvenuto Cellini’s 16th-century sculpture, Perseus with the Head of Medusa, reflecting on the layers of meaning in these ancient tales.

Luciano Garbati: A Sculptor Bridging Eras
Born in Buenos Aires in 1973, Luciano Garbati is a sculptor whose work establishes a dialogue between the Italian Mannerist tradition and contemporary themes. His sculptures, showcased in prominent institutions and commissioned for significant public monuments, embody a modern perspective on classical forms and narratives. Discover more about Garbati's remarkable sculptures at

Bek Andersen: A Visionary Artist

Bek Andersen, a 1980 Syracuse, New York native, blends her diverse background with a unique artistic vision. With an MFA from the Yale School of Art and experience in fashion and entertainment photography, Andersen's work challenges and reinterprets themes of power, gender, and mythology. Her art invites viewers to question and explore the narratives shaping our reality. Explore Andersen's captivating works at

Our Patron’s Support The MWTH endeavor thrives thanks to the support of a generous, anonymous patron, our own 'patron saint', whose belief in our mission enables us to continue exploring and redefining art and narrative.